Buried Town Wikia

<hero description="Buried Town, a post-apocalyptic zombie survival game available on Android and iOS, places you in a southern town filled with zombies, all out to tear you apart. Scavenge, build. fight, ad survive with this guide, or until your luck runs out... (If you've played the game, you can like, you know, tell us all about it. We're not going anywhere)" imagename="" cropposition="" />

Welcome to the Buried Town Wikia

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Driven by hunger
They brutally tear and devour each other
The void is just around the corner
They dance during the last feast
Push you to the edge of despair
And send you an invitation to hell
~ Cissy Liu

Buried Town is a post-apocalyptic zombie survival game available on Android, iOS and PC by LocoJoy where players try their best to survive and thrive in an unforgiving world in the middle of a southern, desolated town filled with zombies, all out to tear you apart.

Scavenge, build. fight, and survive with this guide, or until your luck runs out...

* 11 pages, dozens of contributors, one epic game. Avid Burial Towners! Do hit us up and share with us some of your uncovered wisdom!


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Buried Town game art by LocoJoy
